Monday, March 12, 2012

Whew! I did it!

So I don't know how many of you know this but on moving to California, in order to get a California driver's license I had to take a written and driven test. (not sure I understand the logic behind the whole process, I mean they'll let me drive on my Canadian license and even gave me a temporary license all without taking a test but I guess rules are rules) So I did the written test a couple of weeks ago and passed that (had to get all the miles and miles per hours sorted out). The driven test was scheduled for today. I've been monitoring my driving for the past two weeks to try and correct any bad habits that I've picked up over the past 20 years of driving. I really wasn't that nervous until last night - guess subconsiously I was more concerned about it than I thought 'cause I woke up every hour on the hour last night. Anyways, long story short... I took the test and whew... I passed. I think this is pretty much it... other than the Visa... and getting my banking sorted out once and for all, but effectively I think I have arrived and am settled.

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