Sunday, April 22, 2012

LA Traffic got the better of me

So it was a couple of weekends ago that I was supposed to meet up with a coworker at the LA County Museum of Arts. She had planned to go by herself and was very thoughtful in asking if I would like to go as well. Saturday was the day... I left an hour before we were supposed to meet just because you never know what traffic is going to be like. So far I've had no issues so it was just a matter of time. My big mistake... I relied on GPS. Normally GPS is very reliable so I didn't bother to check a map. I had absolutely no idea where I was headed - North, South, East or West... not a clue. First 20 minutes were great. Drove past all the TV studios, wound way through some hills and then turned left and encountered... ROAD CLOSED. Local Access only. Picture 4 lanes of traffic (bumper to bumper) all merging into 1 lane. You really had no choice but to go where the traffic pushed you. The next thing I knew I was pulling up to Universal Studios Theme Park. No, no, no, no. I do NOT want to go here. Fortunately there was a road that allowed you effectively turn around. Meanwhile in the back ground all I could here was RECALCULATING.... RECALCULATING. Take 2. Let's see where the GPS takes me now... Take a right then a left and there it was... ROAD CLOSED... Local Access Only. AHHHHH!!!! RECALCULATING...RECALCULATING.... RECALCULATING. Take 29 and 45 minutes later... ROAD CLOSED... Local Access Only. RECALCULATING.... RECALCULATING. Sigh.... I give up. I phone Laura and told her that today just wasn't a good day and I was headed home. PS I later found out that there was a marathon going on which is why all the roads were closed. while the GPS is great for traffic delays I guess it doesn't pick up marathons.

1 comment:

  1. yes, as much as I really do like our GPS, there's nothing quite like a map to know where in the world you are!!
