Sunday, September 30, 2012

So I'm a little behind...

Sorry for the lack of updates... I'd love to say it was because I was so busy having fun and exciting adventures but it is a sad thing to say that work has reared it's head.

Okay... so where did I leave off? I believe we were on our way to Yosemite National Park....

So here are some highlights

El Capitain... Can you believe people climb this rock?

On the walk to Yosemite Falls

Lower Yosemite Falls - I hear they often dry up by the end of the summer. Would be great to see what they look like in the spring.

Half Dome Rock

A great spot for a picnic lunch?

I didn't see the bear trap in the parking lot until AFTER we finished lunch....

Bridal Veil Falls

and then there are the very big trees...

1 comment:

  1. Wow Melanie. Those are beautiful pictures! It is really a lovely part of the world there isn't it!
